Thursday 14 June 2012

Lesson 2: Response to Still Life

Still life set up made up of chairs, frames, tables and windows

In response to the still life our teacher's set up for us, we created a collage using drawings and photos of the still life and also from the paper set up the day before. I wanted to make my collage look slightly like a city with buildings and structures in it in response to our theme of INTERIOR/EXTERIOR.

The first stages of my collage

I used a photocopier to replicate and enlarge some of my drawings, and to create the background I used masking tape and lines of black watercolour.

I think that this exercise has focused more on the exterior element of the theme, as we are focusing on structures. However, I think it's interesting the way interior objects such as chairs and tables were used to construct a still life that looked like a building you would find outside. It's almost like combining the two elements together to create something new.

Detail of collage

Stapler used to create a stitch effect

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